- Distinguished Full Professor and University Fellow De La Salle University, Manila Philippines
- Go Peng Kuan Professorial Chair in Mechanical Engineering
- Mr. & Mrs. Huang Kong Chim Professorial Chair in Chemical Engineering
- Director and Co-Founder, Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research De La Salle University, Manila Philippines
- Visiting Professor and Scholar
- Principal Founder and Executive Director, Algae Bio-Innovation Global Hub
- Former Executive Vice President (External Relations and Internationalization) De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
- Academician and Focal Person on Energy & Environment, National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Philippines
- Member, Presidential Coordinating Council for Research and Development
- Member, CHED Technical Panel on Transnational Education and Distance Education
- Chair, Technical Committee, National Ecolabelling Program of the Philippines
- Consultant for Industry and Government Agencies, Philippines
- International Lead Assessor for AUN-QA University Programme Level Certification
- Visiting Professor to Universities in the US, UK, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Malaysia
- Past President, National Research Council of the Philippines
- Past President, Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering, USA
- Past (Acting) President, Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology
- Former Member, Congressional Commission on Science, Technology and Engineering
- Former Independent Board Member, Philippine Electricity Market Corporation
- Former Philippine Energy Adviser, Department of Energy
Awards and Recognitions
- Outstanding Teacher (Metrobank Foundation, DLSU)
- Outstanding Scientist (Philippine Congress, PAASE, NAST, NRCP, CHED, AITAA, EVSUAA)
- Outstanding Science Administrator (DOST, NAST)
- Google Scholar Citations: (h-index 22; i10-index 37; 1767 citations)
- Scopus Citations: (h-index 19; 121 documents; 1224 citations)